If You Haven’t Yet, It’s Time To Watch Draft Day

| April 23rd, 2024

Kevin Costner’s ‘Draft Day’ is the best bad football movie available. The movie barely understands its own subject matter, botching everything from draft value to basic football terminology to travel times from New York City to Cleveland, but it’s the only draft-related movie we have and that makes it awesome by default.

I make it a point to watch Draft Day once a year right around now. This year, feel free to join me.

Your Turn: Have you ever seen ‘Draft Day’? What do you think of the film?

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Around the League Tweets – April 16th 2014!

| April 16th, 2014

ATL Tweets

Around the League Tweets, Winner of 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Around the League Commentary in 140 Characters Spread Out Over 10 Installments!

1 of 10. Aldon Smith needs to find a rehab for being a fucking idiot.

2 of 10. Only 3 games on NFL schedule are easy to guess: week 17 match ups, CBS Thanksgiving game, opening night. Good luck w/ Rams contest.

3 of 10. How much you wanna bet the NFL exec who called Clowney lazy & spoiled works for the Rams? Or the teams with the third pick. Or fourth.

4 of 10. Did someone actually criticize the Jets for pulling out of Draft Day with Kevin Costner? Maybe they just read the script?

5 of 10. Would Donald Trump change the Buffalo Bills to the Trump National Bills at Buffalo? (He is poison, NFL. Pure poison. See: golf.)

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