Gratitude, Game Recap, Holiday Schedule for DBB

| December 23rd, 2024

Thank you.

First, I want to take a few sentences to thank all of those who supported DBB during our annual pledge drive last week. It was our most successful by a significant margin and I take that quite seriously.

It was my intention to take a step back from DBB, to focus my attention on coursework and allow Robert to take the site in a new direction. It didn’t work out. Overwhelmingly I was told the loyal readers of this site did not care for that new direction. When Robert told me he wanted to dial back some of his commitments to the site, I made it clear that that a part-time editor-in-chief was not something I was looking for and I re-took over the site day to day. To say my content has been inconsistent is an understatement. But I’m proud of the good stuff.

DBB will remain under my literary control for the whole of 2025. At the end of the year, I’ll evaluate how things went and debate (with myself, probably out loud in the shower) whether to seek out another editor-in-chief. But for the year to come, enjoy the haikus!

– Jeff

You ain’t lion.

  • Caleb is good.
  • The defense is not.
  • Stop jumping offside when the offense is only trying to get you to jump offside.
  • Rome Odunze doesn’t look like a star WR to me.
  • Promoting Thomas Brown, as predicted, was very silly.

The holidays.

This week’s schedule at DBB will be tricky over this holiday week.

Tuesday and Wednesday: DBB will be off for the Christmas holiday.

Thursday AM: Bears v. Seahawks game preview will be live.

Thursday PM: Bears v. Seahawks game thread.

Friday: A new short play!

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DBB’s Annual Pledge Drive: December 16 – 22!

| December 21st, 2024

2024. What a year. 

DBB tried having someone else run the show. It didn’t take. So, while taking on the full course load of a PhD student, I’m proud that I was able to re-man the ship, add short plays to the structure, and deliver dozens of brilliant haikus.

Are the Bears good? They are not. But the work of DBB doesn’t stop! And we get a new coach…again!

I can only do what I’ve done here because of these pledge drives. I will NEVER put this content behind a paywall. I will never interrupt the content with annoying ads. Instead, I’m channeling the NPR model of soliciting support from our readers and followers for one week. This is that week. We ask for seven days and then we don’t ask again until next season.

So, give what you can. A dollar. A fiver. A hundo. Nothing. Your readership is the only support we’ve ever truly wanted. This drive simply ensures you’ll continue to have unique work to read.


The link to support is right here!

Thank you all so very much!



DBB’s Fourth Annual Pledge Drive, December 16th – 22nd!

| December 16th, 2023

2024. What a year. 

DBB tried having someone else run the show. It didn’t take. But I’m proud that I was able to re-man the ship, add short plays to the structure, and deliver dozens of brilliant haikus.

Are the Bears good? They are not. But the work of DBB doesn’t stop! And we get a new coach…again!

I can only do what I’ve done here because of these pledge drives. I will NEVER put this content behind a paywall. I will never interrupt the content with annoying ads. Instead, I’m channeling the NPR model of soliciting support from our readers and followers for one week. This is that week. We ask for seven days and then we don’t ask again until next season.

So, give what you can. A dollar. A fiver. A hundo. Nothing. Your readership is the only support we’ve ever truly wanted. This drive simply ensures you’ll continue to have unique work to read.

The link to support is right here!

Thank you all so very much!



Our Second DaBearsBlog Pledge Drive: March 26 – April 2!

| April 1st, 2023

It is very simple.

DBB has no paywall. We have no ads. We flirted with a subscription Substack but decided against it. We don’t try and sell you anything. We just provide original content, almost every day, because this is an 18-year labor of love and we’re exceedingly proud of the role we’ve carved out in the Bears media landscape.

But it costs money to keep the lights on around here and my return to the classroom has made it less possible for me to wholly fund the site. Last year, this pledge drive was overwhelming. You guys kept DBB going! So, we’re asking again! (And we’re doing so this week to move the site’s attention completely to the draft for the whole of April.)

Any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Give $1. Give $5. Give $25. Give $100. Give nothing. No matter what, your continued support is greatly appreciated. (Donating is easy. Just click the button below.)

Anyone giving at $25 or higher will be eligible for our drawing to win a $250 gift card for Lou Malnati’s and Taste of Chicago.

Thank you!

(Original content returns Monday with Andrew Dannehy’s FULL Chicago Bears mock draft.)

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The DBB Pledge Drive! May 2-6, 2022!

| May 6th, 2022

DBB has never had content behind a paywall. It’s just not something I believe in, even as the digital sports marketplace changes dramatically. But this site has remained my signature literary passion for the last 17 years and there ARE costs associated with keeping it going.

So, this week, we’re asking for support from our readers and followers. You can click the link below and donate $5, $10 or $25 to DBB. (You can donate any amount you want but those are the easy, clickable buttons.) That money helps keep the site operating and keeps the content free to everyone for YEARS to come. There will not be another pledge drive like this for a long time.

Why now? Because at 40 years old, I’m going back to NYU for my Masters in Cinema Studies this fall – hopefully on the way to a PhD soon enough. It will not limit my ability to create content for the site, but it will limit the time I have for site-related money-making activities.

As a benefit, anyone who donates $10 or more will be entered into our drawing to win the Bears jersey of their choice. DBB will customize it for you and have it to your home by the start of the 2022 regular season. We’ll also be doing a special DBB sticker this season and anyone who donates at that level will receive that sticker as well.

(Hey, it’s $10. It’s two beers. You’re saving calories.)

Thank you so much for supporting this site/Twitter feed. I hope you think of it as an important part of your Chicago Bears experience. We will keep doing what we’ve been doing, providing content free of charge, and providing a platform for anyone with an opinion on this franchise. If you can throw a few bucks in, it’s much appreciated. If not, no worries.

This drive will take place today through Friday. We will return with brand new content on Monday, May 9th!
