Catching Up On The Weekend’s Audio

| April 8th, 2024

Last Friday saw the latest Bear With Us launch, covering Caleb Williams and the #9 overall pick…

And then over the weekend, Jeff and I caught up on what he’s hearing about #9 overall (plus a full mock of the craziness that may lead up to Chicago’s pick.

More Nine at #9 tomorrow.

Your Turn: Does the draft still feel far away? Or does it finally feel around the corner?

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Introducing DBB Spaces: Let’s Talk About The Bears’ 2024 Outlook

| March 25th, 2024

With Justin Fields officially traded, it feels like the Chicago Bears are at the dawning of a new age. That means change — some good, some bad, and a whole lot of ‘New’.

That means new additions around DBB as well — Jeff & I will be hosting a show we’re calling Saturday Spaces (creative, I know) that you can expect weekly starting the weekend after Easter. The two of us recorded similar shows throughout this last Bears season, and I think they turned out well.

I recorded this last weekend’s show for your listening pleasure — check it out at the link below and let me know what you think.

Your Turn: What Bears-related topics will you focus on over the next month?

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Rumor Roundup: Things Are Heating Up At The Combine

| February 28th, 2024

Jeff had some takeaways after today’s press conferences from Ryan Poles and Matt Eberflus:

Read More …

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Jeff & Jahns: Sun-Times Beat Updates on the Bears as the Regular Season Approaches [VIDEO]

| August 24th, 2015

On this episode of the nation’s most popular podcast between a Bears blogger and a Bears beat, Adam Jahns tell us:

  • Why he believes Eddie Goldman starting now in the middle of the defense is better for the Bears long-term.
  • Why he’s best impressed by not only Goldman but also Ego Ferguson and Will Sutton.
  • Why he’s far more concerned about the recent play (including practice sessions) of Kyle Fuller.
  • Why the Bears don’t have an answer at right tackle but he believes Charles Leno Jr. is going to continue seeing first-team action.
  • Why Ryan Mundy’s injuries have paved the starting road for Adrian Amos.
  • Why he’s not buying in entirely to Marquess Wilson yet but is slowly coming around.
  • Why “Bad Jay” will surely make an appearance but he believes the system will showcase his abilities better than any previous one.
  • Much, much more!

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DaBearsBlog RevZone Channel: Differentiating Between “Meaningful” & “Playoff Contention”

| November 21st, 2014


Like Grantland, except without all that Disney money.

Reverend Dave does not like ranting anymore. So stepping in for him again this week is yours truly. Today’s discussion: how tomorrow can set the stage for “meaning” from the 2014 season and how – in context – the Patriots and Packers blowouts might not look so terrible come Super Bowl Sunday.

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