It is called Hard Knocks.
It has not been good in years.
But I guess I’ll watch?
We hide in spaces,
Dark and disturbing spaces.
Discussing the draft.
Tomorrow, at 2 PM ET, Robert Schmitz and I will be hosting a listener-driven event on Spaces. We’ll do a brief introduction but then we’ll “open up phone lines” and let the listeners take over with questions. All topics are on the table; this is the Spaces equivalent of a Reddit AMA. But, you know, let’s try and stay on the draft topic.
In just a few weeks…
…You’ll find yourself wondering…
…Are the Bears good now?
(And the answer is yes)
Welcome, Shane Waldron!
Our fans are completely sane.
Fair treatment awaits!
But be warned, I’m still going to be writing quite often, including a renewed focus on my game previews in-season.
A self demotion.
for going haiku crazy.
warrants a haiku.
I did try my best,
to make this about the Bears.
But I got nothing.