Cathy and Jake Buy a Printer: A Short Play About the Coaching Search

| January 14th, 2025

An early morning at Staples. Cathy and Jake are pacing back forth down the overcomplicated printer aisle.

JAKE: I love you, Cathy.

CATHY: You should.

JAKE: But I hate being here.

CATHY: There are too many printers.

JAKE: A lot.

CATHY: They all do different things.

JAKE: They do.

CATHY: What are we looking for?

JAKE: What?

CATHY: What’s most important?

JAKE: Printing.

CATHY: They all print, ass.

JAKE: Do they all print well?

CATHY: How the fuck am I supposed to know how they print. They’re sitting on a shelf. We buy one, we take it home, we connect it, it prints. That’s when we learn how they print.

JAKE: We could read reviews.

CATHY: From who?

JAKE: Whom.

CATHY: Fuck you.

JAKE: Reviews from people. On the internet.

CATHY: Do you think we should really be trusting the kinds of people who review printers on the internet?

JAKE: The way I see it –

CATHY: See what?

JAKE: Let me finish.

CATHY: Okay.

JAKE: The way I see it, we have two options. We can buy one of these reliable guys. Nothing exciting. You hit print; they print. You know what you’re getting, in standard black and white.

CATHY: Which are those?

JAKE: This here, the Rivera1985, or the HP-Carroll73. Steady.

CATHY: Is that what we’re looking for? Steady?

JAKE: It’s an option.

CATHY: What’s the other option?

JAKE: One of these newer, sexier machines. One of these machines that can do a whole range of things.

CATHY: Tell me more. Tell me more about what they can do.

JAKE: Are you getting turned on?

CATHY: (lying) No.

JAKE: Are you getting turned on in the fucking printer aisle at Staples?

CATHY: (still lying) I’m not.

CATHY walks over to a large printer and runs her soft hands over it.

CATHY (cont’d): What does this one do?

JAKE: Cathy –

CATHY: It’s so big.

JAKE: Enough.

CATHY: I’m not sure our office could even handle it.

JAKE: Cathy, focus!

CATHY: Woo. (takes a breath) Okay.

JAKE: Are you focused?

CATHY: Sure.

JAKE: You’re not!

CATHY: I just want to have my hands on it.

JAKE: Cathy…

CATHY: I’ll stop.

JAKE: Will you?

CATHY: I will not.

JAKE: I really don’t want to be in this aisle all day.

CATHY: The printers.

JAKE: Right.

CATHY: What do you prefer?

JAKE: I think we need a new, sexier option.


JAKE: This here, the Johnson –

CATHY: Johnson?!

JAKE: It’s very well regarded. So is the Monken3000.

CATHY: So what’s stopping us?

JAKE: Tradition. History. It’s just not something we have done, Cathy.

CATHY: Jake, we’ve always done what we’ve done and you know what happens?

JAKE: What?

CATHY: We end up back in this aisle looking at new printers.

JAKE: You’re right.

CATHY: So, maybe it’s time we change our approach.

JAKE: I agree.

CATHY: Good.

JAKE: I love you.

CATHY: You should.

End of scene.

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