DBB’s Fourth Annual Pledge Drive, December 16th – 22nd!

| December 16th, 2023

2024. What a year. 

DBB tried having someone else run the show. It didn’t take. But I’m proud that I was able to re-man the ship, add short plays to the structure, and deliver dozens of brilliant haikus.

Are the Bears good? They are not. But the work of DBB doesn’t stop! And we get a new coach…again!

I can only do what I’ve done here because of these pledge drives. I will NEVER put this content behind a paywall. I will never interrupt the content with annoying ads. Instead, I’m channeling the NPR model of soliciting support from our readers and followers for one week. This is that week. We ask for seven days and then we don’t ask again until next season.

So, give what you can. A dollar. A fiver. A hundo. Nothing. Your readership is the only support we’ve ever truly wanted. This drive simply ensures you’ll continue to have unique work to read.

The link to support is right here!

Thank you all so very much!
