The Free Agency Notebook: Day 2

| March 12th, 2015



I sat next to Tom Coughlin on a flight once from New York to Jacksonville. The most amazing thing about him? He was as interested in me as I was in him. And it was genuine. He also knows quite a bit more about football and football players than I do. His thoughts on Antrel Rolle from the NY Daily News:

“I have never come across a player that was more interested in his team and trying to help his team get better in any way he could,” Coughlin said. “I think countless Tuesdays, Antrel was in my office with (questions about) how we can get better, what we can do to get better. Just thoughts going back and forth between coach and player in terms of how our team could improve. I don’t think I have ever been involved with a player who was more sincerely interested in how his team could improve.”

While I have issues about Rolle’s performance last season it is impossible to argue the Bears don’t need the man described above in their locker room.


Eddie Royal is the perfect complementary receiver to Alshon Jeffery. And he is a phenomenal locker room presence as well. The Bears are building a team. (This video isn’t very good but I’m posting it anyway.)


  • Chip Kelly is marching into 2015 with Sam Bradford at quarterback and Ryan Matthews at running back? Think he can get Danny Amendola from the Patriots? If you’re going to sign guys who never play, Amendola is a solid choice outside. (If I ran DaBirdsBlog.com this week I don’t think I would be able to churn out content fast enough. Kelly’s hatred of talented offensive players is spellbinding.)
  • Many were concerned about the Bears playing the AFC West next season. Be thankful the Bears are not playing the AFC East. The Bills defense? Great. The Jets defense should be the best in the league with their new assemblage of corners. The Dolphins defense was solid a year ago and just added one of the league’s three most dominant defenders. The weakest defense in the division is the Super Bowl champion. (These other teams in the AFC East haven’t noticed yet why the Patriots win so much, huh?)
  • Important Tweet from Dion Caputi: “Don’t mean to be a downer, but look at Bucs release of Michael Johnson (5-yrs, $45M) & Anthony Collins (5-yrs, $30M) as cautionary FA tales.”

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