DaBearsBlog Officially Leaves ChicagoNow November 1st

| September 30th, 2013

After a substantial delay due to (mostly positive) circumstances, DaBearsBlog is leaving the confines of the Chicago Tribune and the ChicagoNow network effective November 1st 2013. Starting November 1st (and perhaps sooner), THE ONLY PLACE DABEARSBLOG WILL BE AVAILABLE IS DABEARSBLOG.COM. (Change your bookmarks or whatever people use now.)

This change finally happened because of you. I have heard every complaint you’ve raised about the experience at CN and all that prevented me from acting was time. As this season began I could no longer use time as an excuse. I made the time to make your experience better. I believe I do good work here. I believe I do unique work here. But I believe my efforts are meaningless if the experience of those who’ve stood by me for years is not an enjoyable one. I apologize for not making this move when I promised – 10 months ago.

We thank Jimmy Greenfield and the CN folks once again for their support over these last few years.

Above you will see our new logo. It is modeled after my favorite storefront in all of Chicago – the Green Mill Lounge. An image of the original is here.


For the next thirty days we’ll remain here at ChicagoNow. Then we’re off.