Where Have I Been?

| June 19th, 2010

Some of you out there are destined to start bashing me for my limited posting this past few weeks.  So let me explain where I am these days, in two parts.

Part I: I Write For the Theatre
And that’s going pretty well these days.  A musical I’ve co-written entitled Red Clay will be part of The New Works Festival at Theatreworks in Palo Alto, California in August.  Being that these times completely lack in news production, it requires a bit of creativity to concoct something interesting for a lot as feisty as ya’ll.  That creativity is elsewhere but it shall return!

Part II: I Love Soccer
…and more specific international soccer.  The World Cup makes the Super Bowl look like a high school football game in Nutley, New Jersey.  It is a month of immersion in a beautiful game.  It’s hard during this month for me to think about my other sport passions: da Bears, golf…etc.  I promise a return to form on July 12th.

And let’s be honest…there’s nothing happening in Bearsland.  And who wants me to waste their time with a bunch of “I hope the Bears win” columns?  If news of note breaks, I’ll be here.  In the meantime, talk amongst yourselves.  Also feel free to email me if you have a column idea that you think will interest the fans.  I’m more than happy to give you the space for a few days.